Early Childhood Collective Agreement 2020

The early childhood sector in Canada has been the subject of much discussion and debate in recent years, with concerns about the quality and accessibility of early childhood education (ECE) programs across the country. In response to these concerns, the Early Childhood Educators’ Union of Ontario (ECEU) negotiated a collective agreement in 2020 aimed at improving ECE standards, working conditions, and compensation for educators.

The collective agreement, which applies to over 7,500 ECE professionals in Ontario, includes several significant changes to the ECE landscape in the province. One of the most notable changes is the establishment of a wage grid that will increase wages for ECE professionals over the next three years. The wage increase will be implemented in stages, with the first increase taking effect in 2020 and subsequent increases in 2021 and 2022.

In addition to the wage grid, the collective agreement also includes provisions for improved working conditions, such as increased sick leave and paid personal days for ECE professionals. The agreement also includes provisions for professional development and training opportunities, with a focus on supporting the ongoing professional development of ECE professionals.

Another key feature of the collective agreement is its emphasis on improved standards for ECE programs. The agreement stipulates that ECE programs must adhere to specific quality standards, including requirements related to curriculum, safety, and staff qualifications. The agreement also includes provisions for improved ratios of staff to children, which will ensure that children receive the individualized attention they need to thrive in early childhood programs.

Overall, the 2020 Early Childhood Collective Agreement represents an important step forward for the ECE sector in Ontario. By improving wages, working conditions, and program standards, the agreement will help to attract and retain qualified educators, improve the quality of ECE programs, and ensure that Ontario children have access to the high-quality early childhood education they deserve.