Service Level Agreement For Maintenance

If there is a shutdown of less than 45 minutes, our status page displays service availability and all solution updates. In the event of a shutdown of more than 45 minutes, we prepare an incident report describing the nature of the incident and the measures taken to correct and avoid repeated events. Crash reports are published on This Service Level Agreement (SLA) governs the use of all products and services provided by Network Dynamics Pty Ltd (Network Dynamics). Network Dynamics may change this policy at any time without notice, and the current version of this policy is available at any time on the Network Dynamics website ( Many SLAs meet the specifications of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library when applied to IT services. FP7 IRMOS also looked at aspects of translating application-level SLAs into resource-based attributes to bridge the gap between customer expectations and cloud provider resource management mechanisms. [14] [15] The European Commission presented a summary of the results of different research projects in the field of ASAs (from specifications to control, management and implementation). [16] Network Dynamics is committed to providing its customers with services at a level of excellence consistent with best practices in the IT hosting industry. Network Dynamics aims to achieve 100% service availability on all services provided to customers and uses a fully redundant network, enterprise-class switching, routing, firewall, and server technology to best achieve this goal. Network Dynamics offers a basic infrastructure SLA of 99.99% for core network services.

These include our basic switches, basic routers, and basic firewall services. In the event that Network Dynamics experiences central infrastructure downtime that results in an SLA violation, the following credits are available upon request. (a) planned maintenance or upgrade and emergency maintenance or upgrades in accordance with Section 5 of this Agreement; Network Dynamics will notify customers of each planned outage or any expected downtime during this period, with a notification from the customer of at least 24 hours, but reserves the right to perform hazardous work during this maintenance window without notifying the customer. Note: Although applications use both „Preventive Maintenance“ and „On Demand Work“, SLAs must be defined and processed for preventive maintenance using the tasks of the „Preventive Maintenance“ application. . . .