Subject Verb Agreement Class 7 Worksheet with Answers

Subject-Verb Agreement Class 7 Worksheet with Answers

Subject-Verb Agreement is one of the most important grammatical rules to master. It ensures that the verb used in a sentence agrees with the subject in terms of number, tense, and person. A failure to follow this rule can result in a sentence that is grammatically incorrect and confusing to the reader.

For class 7 students, understanding Subject-Verb Agreement is essential. To help you reinforce your understanding of this rule, we have provided a worksheet with answers.


1. Read the sentences provided below carefully.

2. Identify the subject and the verb in each sentence.

3. Check if the verb agrees with the subject in terms of number, tense, and person.

4. If the verb does not agree with the subject, rewrite the sentence to ensure that it is grammatically correct.

5. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


1. The dogs barks at the mailman every day.

Answer: The dogs bark at the mailman every day.

2. The book on the table looks interesting.

Answer: The book on the table looks interesting.

3. The boys play football on Saturdays.

Answer: The boys play football on Saturdays.

4. The cat and the dog chase each other in the park.

Answer: The cat and the dog chase each other in the park.

5. The teacher gives us homework every day.

Answer: The teacher gives us homework every day.

6. The coffee in the cup smells good.

Answer: The coffee in the cup smells good.

7. My sister and I loves to watch movies together.

Answer: My sister and I love to watch movies together.

8. The flowers in the garden looks beautiful in the morning sun.

Answer: The flowers in the garden look beautiful in the morning sun.

9. The car parked outside belongs to my brother.

Answer: The car parked outside belongs to my brother.

10. The children enjoys playing games on their tablets.

Answer: The children enjoy playing games on their tablets.


1. The dogs bark at the mailman every day.

2. The book on the table looks interesting.

3. The boys play football on Saturdays.

4. The cat and the dog chase each other in the park.

5. The teacher gives us homework every day.

6. The coffee in the cup smells good.

7. My sister and I love to watch movies together.

8. The flowers in the garden look beautiful in the morning sun.

9. The car parked outside belongs to my brother.

10. The children enjoy playing games on their tablets.


Understanding Subject-Verb Agreement is crucial for effective communication. By using this worksheet, class 7 students can practice their understanding of this grammatical rule and ensure that their writing and communication are clear and grammatically correct.